
Video Surveillance In Hospitals And Health Care Facilities

By nature, hospitals and other health care facilities are hot beds of emotional stress, and potentially volatile situations. The high level of traffic, along with the extreme focus of patients, family members, and medical employees on a patient's physical condition makes a perfect setting for potentially criminal behavior to go unnoticed until it is too late. In recent years alone, medical facilities have provided the setting for numerous reported criminal acts, including vandalism, theft, intimidation, abuse, sexual assault, and kidnapping. Installation of a comprehensive video surveillance system can greatly reduce the risk of such occurrences as well as significantly increase the capture and conviction rate for these damaging criminal activities. Surveillance camera recordings capture criminal activities and provide court admissible evidence which has proven critical to the capture and prosecution of perpetrators.Integrating video feeds with an internal network to create an IP monitoring system allows security and medical professionals instant access to all the video feeds around the hospital, and communication between multiple divisions to facilitate response to any negative event. Besides the obvious security benefits inherent in the use of hospital wide surveillance systems, visual video capture, and recording offers some Tire Pressure Gauges significant advantages.Going Beyond Simple SecurityHospitals and health care facilities around the country are finding video surveillance systems useful, not only as good security measure, but as an effective tool for cost reduction, productivity planning, and patient care as well. Here are a few examples.Preventing patient mistreatment and dishonest claims: In a nation where medical malpractice claims and law suits are well established go-to gun-ships for disgruntled patients and family members, having irrefutable video documentation of patient care, medical and surgical operations, treatment, and drug administration is invaluable in protecting hospital employees and patients alike. Video evidence can provide proof of care or mistreatment, allowing hospitals to be aware of any employee misconduct, and disproving any Wholesale Shoes Accessories dishonest mistreatment claims by scam artists looking to cash in.Improving Hospital Administration: Having an accurate video record also gives hospital administrators the opportunity to observe and streamline healthcare practices, increase productivity, and improve patient care. The clear visual records available through the use of video surveillance systems also make effective dispute settlement tools when administrators need to decide how to proceed in an employee dispute situation.Enhanced Care and Response Time: IP monitoring systems allow hospital employees to remotely monitor real-time video capture from anywhere in the hospital. This means that medical employees can be privy to and consult on medical procedures, treatment, and surgeries, as well as keep a continual watch on multiple critical patients directly from their Other Luggage Accessories work station computers.Small Risks, Great RewardThere are some risks inherent in using video surveillance or IP monitoring on hospital grounds. Relying too heavily on video surveillance can be a problem if the hospital does not balance the security program with enough security personnel to effectively monitor and respond to a given situation. Patient privacy is another issue which should always be considered when strategically placing video capture devices. Any equipment can be tampered with or fail, so strategies for dealing with this need to be in effect. Despite these potential drawbacks, video surveillance systems remain one of the most effective security implementations in hospital and health care facilities today. It's obvious that in this case, the pros clearly outweigh the cons.

